Posts Tagged ‘birthday party location los angeles’

A Fairy Afternoon

Friday, May 13th, 2011

It was supposed to rain outside, and we invited fairies to come visit our Magical Fairyland since it never rains here…  lots of fairies came… but then…. all of a sudden… fairies turned into viking girls… and then knights and dragons appeared as well… Parents often ask us : ” will boys have something to do in your Magical Fairyland?”. Here is the answer and some pictures to prove it – even during events that are originally planned for fairy girls, boys will have fun… because everybody loves stories and dancing and singing…. and don’t expect fairies to stay fairies – they might turn into some other creatures … Because our Fairyland is Magical!!!…fairies and dragons and vikings

knight, rango and viking girl

knight, rango and viking girl2

fairy alina singing

story time

magical creatures magical creatures eyes closed magical creatures magical creatures
crafts silly faces